Episode 2030: All abuzz
It was Alex. She was all smiles. She had a sweater on over her blue jeans and her calf high boots seemed comfortable in the autumn weather. It didn't took too much time for her to come over. She stayed not too far away. But she must be out before she had called. You let her up and she was there in less than a minute. You let her in and sat her down on the sofa.'Thanks' she said as she sat down. You gave her a glass of water that she showed grateful for.
'Did you run here? Must be a damn good one' you say. She seemed to be out of breath
'Think about properties! There's shitload of work trying to sell them' she started
You made up a frown as you TRY to absorb this. You let her continue talking for a good 5 minutes. You still couldn't get your head around it.
'Alex' you pressed 'I still don't get it'
She paused and composed herself. Apparently she was more excited about it than you.
'Take photos and make houses look good enough to sell'.
'If you can, it saves a whole lot of money for them. Think about less renovation work'. She took pride in how she came up with that one.
You finally understood how his pictures and photoshop abilities could make.
'And you could buy those drones thingy to make movies too'
You could see her point.
'But I'd have to pitch the ideas to Property Agents?' you asked for clarification.
'I got one already. An agent I met up yesterday at the pub. They'd like to hear more' she smiled and looked like a happy dog that just gave you a frisbee
Agree to her plan
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Written by Faris