Episode 1486: The Everyday Morning
as a regular guy with being in regular situation, you know your priate part's habit of tight erection every morning you wake up and today is no different. This erection always makes it difficult to turn your position every single time. As if in morning the receiver anteena becomes ready to receive signals in full force,and the blanket you have over your body makes a mountain shape because of it. But it isn't that important than to make sure nobody can see you in this condition. Since you have such high level of testosterone, you keep your room door always open, so that you can have access to other rooms easily even when you're so sleepy that you can even play dead. The other reason of unlocked door is for the the girl you generally accompanies you in the bed. But since you're just a young adult, you haven't decided yet, whether you're a one girl forever kind of boy or you try to have your choices open...Choices
i'm brutally commitment loving civilised youth
i'm open to other girls if relationship doesn't form
i'm a pleasure animal, who cares about a girl or more in my life
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Written by tkp