Episode 976: tads tavern
You walk in & the bar is dark. You can't see to good until your eyes can adjust to the room. You sit down at the bar & order a drink. squinting your eyes you try to look around but you still can't see well. You take your drink & move to a booth where nobody can come up from behind you. Then you see a shadowy figure heading toward you. What A Figure Too! "36-24-32" Her body look just like the picture on the computer, only with close on. When she comes into veiw, she a georgous redhead with long flowing fire red hair. She stops in front of you & says,"Hi, I'm Sarah! What can I get you? Oh! You already have a drink. Is there anything eles I can do for you?" You tell her that you were suppose to meet someone & does she know anything about it? She says," Yep, follow me. What do you do?Choices
follow her
stay seated
leave the tavern
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