Episode 74: Fight
"Okay," Frank replied hotly, "but talk for yourself. You're not making Minna stay!"
Wilson's eyes narrowed. "I'm not? Look, buster�how about minding your own goddam business?"
The vague feelings of disgust Frank had had now crystallized into words. "I won't let you get away with it! You think I'm blind? Hauling her into the back room every ten minutes! Don't you think I know why? You're nothing but a damn sex maniac! You've got her terrorized until she's afraid to open her mouth. She goes with us!"
Jim Wilson was on his feet. His face blazed with rage. The urge to kill was written in the crouch of his body and the twist of his mouth. "You goddam nosey little squirt. I'll�"
Wilson charged across the short, intervening distance. His arms went out in a clutching motion.
But Frank Brooks wasn't full of knockout drops this time, and with a clear head he was no pushover. Blinded with rage, Jim Wilson was a pushover. Frank stepped in between his outstretched arms and slugged him squarely on top of the head with the telephone. Wilson went down like a felled steer.
Ivar Jorgenson