Episode 358: Go Inside
You trust the man and walk into his house the windows and door is boarded up so nobody can get inside, he prepared you a meal as it was late and gave yoh a booklet to read up on about what is happening. It was called post nuclear sex, people who are infected crave sex then death they are like zombies who just want to fuck then kill. You finished the booklet and started eating his meal, there was a map on the wall and some supplies as well near it, he said they where for raids. After the meal you went into the spare bedroom, sms your mum and dad there was no response. It was still day but nught was comming, the spare bedroom was empty except for a bed and a wardrobe which had nothing in it, you placed the bag near the bed and undressed. And asked the man for some night wear, he replied with sleep with what yoh have we will search a store tomorrow morning.Choices
Day 2
Go to the man's room
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