Episode 290: Savior
As you tried to open your eyes, you feel the pain rising in your back. You wondered where you were as you look around.
It's a dim room and there is darkness all around. A beautiful blond comes out of darkness toward you. You reach out and try to speak, but fails. She pushes your hand back down and signals you to rest. She put her lips close to your ears and whispers, "calm down, they are still looking for you." Who's they? You wondered. Onyx? You drift off into subconsciousness as even thinking is taxing on your body.
Next morning, you woke up to wish you had looked at your savior carefully. You remembered her as a beautiful woman. When she came back in to care for you, you watched her intently.
This personable girl has slitted coffee-colored eyes. She has faint eyebrow. Her fine, straight, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of silk. She has a busty build with smooth dark skin. Her wardrobe is artistic and bizarre, with a completely orange color scheme. She looks awesome and mind-wobbling to you.
She smiles shyly to your intent stare. "Who are you?" You whispered.
"I'm Esther." She put a finger on her mouth and says, "rest" softly. She turns to walk out, while looking back at you once.