Episode 28: Flight or Fight
Alone with Nora, Frank said, "You aren't eating. Want me to look for something else?"
"No�I'm not very hungry. I was just wondering�"
"Wondering about what?"
"When it will happen. When whatever is going to happen�you know what I mean."
"I'd rather know what's going to happen. I hate puzzles. It's hell to have to get killed and not know what killed you."
"We aren't being very sensible, are we?"
"How do you mean?"
"We should at least act normal."
"I don't get it."
Nora frowned in slight annoyance. "Normal people would be trying to reach safety. They wouldn't be sitting in a restaurant drinking beer. We should be trying to get away. Even if it does mean walking. Normal people would be trying to get away."
Ivar Jorgenson